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シナモン エキス オイル バルクは何に最適ですか?

公開された: 2023-03-09     起源: パワード

What Is Cinnamon Extract Oil?

Cinnamon extract oil is the volatile oil obtained by extracting the dried bark, leaves or branches of Cinnamomum camphora. Cinnamon oil has pungent and warm sweet aroma, with char, wood, paste fragrance, is an important product of natural spices, its main component is cinnamaldehyde, widely used as food additives and spices, and can be directly used as medicine, is one of the important export specialties of China, and has long been famous in the international. Cinnamon oil has strong antibacterial activity to bacteria, fungi, mold, and can be used as natural food preservative and freshness preservative, grain protector.

It is the aromatic oil obtained by distillation of the bark, branches and leaves of Cinnamomum camphora. Cinnamon is planted in various countries in Asia, and it is mainly distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, Hainan and Guangdong in China. Cinnamon has a long history and is one of the longest existing spices in human history. Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine in China and by Ayurvedic doctors in India. It is said to have been in the oil mix used by tomb robbers in the 15th century for protection. In ancient Egyptian times, cinnamon was considered a symbol of wealth, when it was worth the equivalent of gold! There are over 100 species of cinnamon grown worldwide, but only two are the absolute most popular: Ceylon cinnamon and Chinese cinnamon.

Introduction Of Raw Material About Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon is the common name for the bark of the camphor family and the genus Camphor, geranium, yinxiang, fine-leaved fragrant cinnamon, cinnamon or Sichuan cinnamon. It is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine, and also as a food spice or cooking seasoning. Each species was used as a spice in the West in ancient times. It is used in Chinese food to flavor stews and is one of the ingredients of five spice powder. It was one of the first spices used by humans. It is also used to extract cinnamon oil, which is an important spice in the food industry and is used in medicine. Cinnamon bark, also known as cinnamon, official cinnamon, or aromatic cinnamon, was one of the first spices used by humans.

Cinnamon bark contains benzene acrylic compounds, which have therapeutic effects on prostate enlargement, and can increase the blood flow of prostate tissue and promote the improvement of local tissue blood flow. Cinnamon bark is the bark of Cinnamomum cassia, Cinnamomum pallidum, Cinnamomum spp. or Cinnamomum spp. It is usually harvested in winter and dried to be used as medicine.

At the same time, cinnamon bark also has medicinal effects, according to traditional Chinese medicine, cinnamon bark is hot, sweet and pungent, aromatic, non-toxic, has the function of warming the stomach, dispelling cold, activating blood, relieving pain and stopping diarrhea. It is mainly used for treating abdominal cold and chest fullness, vomiting and choking, rheumatism and paralysis, stagnation of fall, dysentery and intestinal wind.

What Is Cinnamon Extract Oil Bulk Best For?

Cinnamon has antioxidant, impotence improvement, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-diabetic and anti-cancer properties.

It may also help prevent heart disease, high cholesterol and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Cinnamon essential oil is a highly concentrated form of beneficial antioxidants, usually derived from cinnamon powder by a distillation process.

Studies have shown that cinnamon oil has strong inhibitory activity against some bacteria, yeast and mold, and even stronger inhibitory activity against fungi, so cinnamon oil has antibacterial function.

The main active ingredients of cinnamon oil extracted from the bark are cinnamaldehyde, eugenol and linalool, which account for 82.5% of the essential oil composition.

The main components of cinnamon essential oil depend on the part of the plant from which the oil comes: cinnamaldehyde predominates in those from the bark, eugenol in those from the leaves, and camphor in those from the roots.

There are two main types of cinnamon oils on the market: cinnamon bark oil and cinnamon leaf oil.

Although they are similar, they are different products and have different uses.

①Cinnamon Bark Oil: is extracted from the bark of the cinnamon tree and has a strong "perfume-like" odor, almost like a strong whiff of ground cinnamon. Many of the benefits of cinnamon bark oil are related to its ability to dilate blood vessels.

②Cinnamon leaf oil: has a "musky and spicy" smell and is much lighter in color. Cinnamon leaf oil looks yellow and cloudy, while cinnamon bark oil is a darker reddish brown color that most people usually associate with cinnamon spice. Both are beneficial, but cinnamon bark oil may be more effective.

1. Promotes heart health

Cinnamon essential oil can naturally promote heart health and help improve heart function.

Studies have shown that cinnamon oil can help lower overall cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, while raising HDL cholesterol.

Cinnamon has also been shown to help promote the production of nitric oxide, which is beneficial for people with heart disease or who have suffered a heart attack or stroke. In addition, it contains anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet compounds that are beneficial for heart artery health.

2. Natural aphrodisiac

In Ayurvedic medicine, cinnamon is sometimes recommended for the treatment of sexual dysfunction. Cinnamon essential oil is a natural remedy for impotence. Cinnamon extract has been shown to be effective in improving sexual function by increasing libido and erectile function.

3. Improves blood sugar levels

Cinnamon has been shown to have a positive effect on insulin release in both humans and animals, and it can help keep blood sugar stable.

Unstable blood sugar can lead to overeating, low energy and weight gain, but adding cinnamon essential oil to fruit, tea, oats, baked goods or smoothies can help slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream.

4. Care for skin, hair and lips

Cinnamon essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties that make it an effective natural remedy for inflammatory skin conditions such as rashes and acne. Cinnamon essential oil is also good for hair and many beauty magazines recommend this oil to promote hair health and growth.

Using cinnamon essential oil is a natural way to plump up the lips and improve blood circulation in the lip area. Mix 2 drops of cinnamon essential oil with a tablespoon of coconut oil to make a great DIY lip plumping oil.

5. Helps with weight loss

Cinnamon is known as a fat burning food and a great tool for weight loss. It balances blood sugar levels and makes foods sweeter without adding any sugar, which is very helpful in controlling a sweet tooth.

Studies have shown that the cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon essential oil helps fat cells burn energy.

6. Fight bacteria to reduce ulcers

Helicobacter pylori can cause stomach ulcers. In a controlled trial, 15 patients infected with H. pylori were studied on the effects of 40 mg of cinnamon oil taken twice daily over a four-week period.

Although cinnamon oil did not completely eradicate H. pylori, it did reduce bacterial colonization to some extent, and the patients tolerated the cinnamon well.

Studies have also shown that the eugenol's in cinnamon essential oil are beneficial compounds that reduce the number of ulcers as well as the severity of ulcers.

7. Anti-parasitic

Cinnamon essential oil can inhibit the growth of certain harmful parasites.

Giardia lamblia is an intestinal infection caused by Giardia lamblia (G. lamblia). Studies have shown the effectiveness of ginger and cinnamon extracts as "promising natural therapeutic agents against Giardia lamblia".

Plasmodium falciparum is a parasite that causes malaria in humans. Researchers have found that cinnamon can help fight the parasite by interfering with the parasite's amino acid biosynthesis, which is essential for the parasite's survival.

8. Relieves sore throats

Cinnamon essential oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties, making it an excellent choice for fighting infections such as sore throats.

Drinking hot lemon water, honey and cinnamon essential oil together in a tea can improve a sore throat and boost immune function. These ingredients will work together to fight inflammation, reduce pain, and boost immune function for effective sore throat relief.

9. Home deodorization

You can make your own natural home deodorizers and fresheners by mixing essential oils with healing scents such as cinnamon, orange, lemon and clove and dropping them into a diffuser for incense or a homemade room spray. You'll experience a sense of calm, grounding and relaxation, and it will also help purify the air.

10. Fights fungal infections

Is cinnamon essential oil good for toenail fungus? Cinnamon essential oil and olive oil have antifungal and antibacterial activity against fungal strains such as Candida albicans, which is often the cause of toenail fungus and other fungal infections. To fight toenail fungus the natural way, try mixing a few drops of cinnamon essential oil with olive oil or coconut oil and applying to the affected area.

How To Extract Cinnamon Essential Oil?

The extraction methods of cinnamon oil include solvent extraction method, supercritical (X)2 extraction method, water steam distillation method and so on. However, because solvent extraction method requires a large amount of flammable and explosive organic solvents, which is a major threat to the safety of production, and the purification of cinnamon oil in the later stage often has solvent residue phenomenon, which makes the product lose its naturalness. Supercritical (X)2 extraction method has many advantages and is a good method to separate the active ingredients of natural products, but because of the need for high pressure environment, high requirements for equipment, large equipment investment, due to the extraction under high pressure, the extraction tank volume is small, limited production capacity, can not form industrial mass production, high product cost. Water steam distillation method has the advantages of simple equipment, easy operation, low cost and high yield, which is the most widely used and important method to produce plant essential oil. However, the traditional water vapor distillation method consumes a lot of energy, takes a long time to extract, has a low utilization rate of the equipment, and may cause the decomposition of some components in the essential oil due to long time heating, while overheating can scorch the plant material and have a negative impact on the aroma of the essential oil. Therefore it is very necessary to improve the research on the process of extracting cinnamon oil by water steam distillation.

The method of extracting cinnamon oil includes the following steps: crush the dried cinnamon branches and leaves, add them to the distillation kettle, add water and surfactant, distill the heating system for 1~4 hours, collect the condensate, leave it for 2~10 hours under the cold storage at 4~20°C, centrifuge and precipitate, separate the oil and water to get crude cinnamon oil, distill the obtained cinnamon oil under reduced pressure to remove the water, and get the essential oil of cinnamon.



1 階、タワー C、No. 26 Deng Ling Road、ハイテク ゾーン、西安、陝西省、中国
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